SuperHuman AI: Powerful AI-powered Email Built for High-performing Teams

SuperHuman AI

Overview – The Fastest Email Experience Ever Made

SuperHuman AI transforms how high-performing teams handle their email, leveraging the power of artificial intelligence to speed up your email experience. Think of it as the industrial revolution for your inbox — except, instead of machines, it’s cutting-edge AI turning the cogs.

This AI can understand, draft, and even send emails on your behalf in just a few words or points. It’s not just about speed; it’s about giving you back the time to focus on what truly moves the needle in your career.

Key Takeaways

  • Superhuman AI Is an AI-powered email tool built for high-performing teams

  • It saves teams over 10 million hours every single year.

  • Seamless integration with several platforms, including Netflix, Notion, Compass, Spotify, Greenhouse, etc.

  • Intuitive interface with keyboard shortcuts for efficient email management.

How SuperHuman AI Works

  • Sign Up – Initiate the revolution of your inbox by signing up and granting access to your email accounts.

  • Training the AI – Brief training sessions where the AI learns your writing style and preferences, making every interaction point profoundly human in its sense.

  • Integration – Seamlessly connect your business tools and platforms, facilitating a centralized workflow without hopping between apps.

  • AI-Assisted Drafting – With a basic concept or a few keywords, the AI crafts detailed emails, capturing the essence of your message in moments.

  • Smart Prioritization – The technology understands the difference in urgency and significance of each email, ensuring you address high-priority items first.

  • Quick Responses – Utilize AI-generated templates for instant responses, significantly accelerating your communication process.

Key Features & Benefits

Fast Responses

  • Split out emails from your team, VIPs, or your most used tools — Google Docs, Notion, Asana — or anything else.

  • Track responses and continue by prioritizing the people or topics that need your attention most and save valuable time

  • Sent a pitch to an investor? If they haven’t replied, the AI will remind you after three days so you can follow up with them.

Email Snoozing

  • Snooze emails at the speed of thought and focus on what matters

  • Get reminded of essential emails without cluttering your inbox or losing track.

  • Act on each message at the perfect time — when you’re ready.

Seamless Team Collaboration

  • Know when your team is replying and avoid embarrassing collisions.

  • See if your teammates have read, replied to, or skipped an email — in real time.

  • Collaborate effortlessly with internal notes and comments.

Use Cases & Applications

  • Boosting Productivity for Research Teams: SuperHuman AI can accelerate the drafting of entire emails related to complex research topics, automatically correcting missing punctuation and extra characters, enabling scholars to focus more on the research task rather than email management.

  • Streamlining Communication in Fast-Paced Companies: Companies can leverage this AI to produce and send out updates, announcements, or responses to common queries without worrying about incorrect capitalization, transposed characters, or missing characters, significantly reducing communication delays.

  • Idea Development and Collaboration: By handling the mundane task of email writing and management, SuperHuman AI allows creative teams more time to develop and refine ideas, boosting overall productivity and innovation without necessarily worrying about email etiquette.

  • Enhancing Customer Service: Customer service representatives can use pre-drafted AI templates to accelerate response times to customer inquiries. This ensures that communications are clear, concise, and error-free, no matter how many emails are processed.

Who is SuperHuman AI For?

  • Busy executives looking to boost their productivity and communicate more efficiently, giving voice to their ideas with less effort.

  • Creative professionals who imagine better stories for their content, needing the ability to keep their email interaction quick, to spend more life on creativity.

  • Customer service teams aiming to claim higher satisfaction scores by improving their response times and communicating with a more personalized touch.

  • Academic researchers who require the nature of their work to be communicated effectively, allowing them to focus on contributions to society and sharing their examples of excellence.

Pricing & Plans

  • Starter Plan: $30/1 user/month

  • Growth Plan: $30/5 users/month

  • Enterprise Plan: Custom pricing

What Users Are Saying About SuperHuman AI

  • Jeff Beckham (Head of Product Marketing): Spending less time on email means I can focus on meaningful work that moves the needle for our business. With Superhuman, I know that things are taken care of. Email just isn’t a hassle for me anymore.

  • Shishir Mehrotra (CEO & Co-founder): It’s one thing for me to be better with my email, but if my whole team is better, we tend to make decisions faster, respond faster, and give higher quality responses to everyone we interact with.

  • Meltem Kuran (Head of Growth): Superhuman is a key tool in our tech stack that everyone gets onboarded to when they join the team. With the peace of mind an organized inbox brings, they can focus on doing what matters most to the business.

SuperHuman AI Alternatives

  • Mailbutler: Acts as a personal assistant for email support, detailing every moment to ensure no task is forgotten.

  • ClickUp: Offers a world where tasks and emails coexist seamlessly, supporting teams to stay organized and efficient.

  • Mailmodo: Transforms email campaigns by providing significant engagement tools, an example where humans interact more meaningfully.

  • Mailmunch: Elevates lead generation with detailed analytics and customizable forms, surely an example of how emails can drive business growth.


What Does SuperHuman AI Do?

SuperHuman AI is an email management tool that utilizes artificial intelligence technology to streamline and improve the email writing and communication process.

Is there a Free Version of SuperHuman AI?

Currently, there is no free version of SuperHuman AI. However, you can try the tool for free to test the product before committing to a plan.

Can I Use SuperHuman AI for Personal Email Management?

SuperHuman AI is primarily designed for business use and may not be suitable for personal email management. However, individuals can still utilize its features to improve their email communication and productivity.

How Much Does SuperHuman AI App Cost?

SuperHuman AI offers three pricing plans: Starter Plan ($30/1 user/month), Growth Plan ($30/5 users/month), and Enterprise Plan (custom pricing). You can also contact the SuperHuman AI team for a personalized quote based on your business needs.

Useful Links & Resources