How to Turn Off Read Receipts on Instagram

How to Turn Off Read Receipts on Instagram

We all know that read receipts are a big no-no on social media. It’s not that hard to block someone, but what if you just want to turn off read receipts temporarily on Instagram? Read this article to learn how you can turn off read receipts on Instagram.

What are read receipts on Instagram?

A feature that Instagram introduced called read receipts is a way for Instagram to notify the sender when their messages have been read. This is a feature that many people love because it gives them the reassurance that their message has been received.

However, there are some people who don’t like the feature. It can feel a little creepy if you’re not expecting the message to be read.

To turn off the read receipts feature on Instagram, follow these steps:

1. Tap on the profile icon in the upper left-hand corner of the screen

2. Tap on the three dots menu

3. Tap on read receipts

4. Uncheck the box next to read receipts

How to turn off read receipts on Instagram

Instagram is a social media platform that allows users to share their photos and videos with their friends, followers, and the public. You can also share your location and see where your friends are at.

The main problem with Instagram is that it sends read receipts to all of your followers. This is a feature that can be really annoying, especially if you are trying to be discreet. If you are one of those people who don’t like the idea of being constantly monitored by your followers, here is how to turn off read receipts on Instagram.

Why should you turn off read receipts on Instagram?

If you are looking to keep your Instagram account private, turn off read receipts. Read receipts are a feature that allows your followers to know when you have read their messages. However, you may want to turn off this feature because it can also give away private information.

If you don’t want anyone to know when you have read their messages, you can turn off read receipts. It’s easy to find the option on your Instagram account. Just click on the three lines in the top-left corner of your screen, then click on “Settings.” You’ll be taken to your settings screen. Under “Privacy and Security,” click on “Turn off read receipts.”


Read receipts are a feature on Instagram that allows you to see when someone has read your message. If you don’t want people to know when you’ve seen their messages, you can turn off read receipts on Instagram.

This will stop your friends and followers from being able to see when you’ve read their messages. To turn off read receipts on Instagram, go to your profile and select the “privacy and safety” option. Then, you will be able to turn off read receipts from your settings.