How To Reset TikTok For You Page 

How To Reset TikTok For You Page

The TikTok For You Page is a great way to reset your account and start fresh. This page allows you to see new videos from people you don’t follow, which is perfect if you want to explore new content.

Additionally, the For You Page also personalizes videos for you based on what you’ve liked in the past, so you’re sure to see content that you’ll enjoy. If you’re looking for a way to mix up your TikTok feed, the For You Page is the perfect solution.

Why is my TikTok Fyp messed up?

There could be a few reasons why your TikTok FYP is messed up. One reason could be that there is something wrong with the app itself and you need to update it.

Another reason could be that there is something wrong with your data or your profile and you need to check your settings. Finally, one reason could be that your cache is full and you need to clear it.

How to reset TikTok “For You” page

If you’re not happy with the videos that are appearing on your “For You” page, you can reset it so that different videos start appearing.

To do this, open the TikTok app and go to your account profile page.

Then, scroll down to the bottom and press the “Reset” option.

A pop-up will appear asking if you want to reset your “For You” page – simply click “Reset” again to confirm.

Your “For You” page will now be reset and you’ll start seeing different videos.

If there’s a particular user whose videos you don’t want to see on your “For You” page, you can hide their videos by following these steps: first, go to the video that you want to hide. Then, click on the three dots icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the video. A menu will appear – select “Hide videos from this user.” The user’s videos will no longer appear on your “For You” page.

What Is TikTok For You Page?

The TikTok For You page is a great way to customize your feed and see the content that is most relevant to you. By selecting the topics that you are interested in, you can ensure that your feed is full of the content that you want to see. This is a great way to make sure that you are never bored on TikTok and always have something new and exciting to watch.

Why are my videos not hitting the FYP?

There could be a few reasons why your videos are not hitting the FYP. It could be that your content is not engaging enough, or that it’s not relevant to what users are searching for on TikTok.

It could also be that the TikTok algorithm is not favouring your videos for whatever reason. If you’re not sure why your videos aren’t being seen by as many people as you’d like, try experimenting with different types of content to see what works best.

Why do users use the hashtag #FYP on some TikTok videos?

Users use the hashtag #FYP on some TikTok videos because it helps the video get more views and likes. When users use this hashtag, it tells the TikTok algorithm that they want their video to be seen by more people.

This then puts the video in other users’ feeds, which increases the chances of them seeing and liking it. The more likes a video has, the more likely it is to be seen by even more people, and so on. Hashtags are a great way for users to get their videos seen by more people and get more likes.

How to Reset TikTok Settings

To reset your TikTok settings, go to the “Me” tab and tap on the three dots in the top right corner. Then, select “Edit Profile” and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Tap on “Reset All Settings” and confirm by tapping “Yes, Reset All Settings.”

How to Clear your TikTok Feed

To clear your TikTok feed, open the app and go to your profile. Tap the three dots in the top right corner, then tap “Clear Feed.” Confirm by tapping “Clear” on the popup. Your feed will now be empty.

How do I reset my TikTok on my iPhone?

To reset your TikTok on your iPhone, first open the app and press the button in the top right corner. Then, scroll down and tap “Reset TikTok.” Finally, press the “Reset” button at the bottom of the screen.

How to Restart your TikTok Feed

If you want to restart your TikTok feed, you can do so by going to your profile and tapping on the three dots in the top right corner. From there, select “Edit Profile” and scroll down to the bottom where it says “Restart Feed.” Tap on this and confirm that you want to restart your feed.

TikTok suggesting too many videos you don’t like?

If you’re not careful, TikTok can start suggesting too many videos that you don’t like. This can be frustrating, because it can feel like the app is wasting your time. To avoid this, be sure to give the app feedback on the videos you watch.

That way, TikTok will better understand your taste and suggest videos that you’re more likely to enjoy.


To conclude, if you want to reset your TikTok page, you can follow the steps that we have mentioned above. We hope that this article was helpful for you and that you were able to reset your TikTok page without any issues.